Hasdenteufel Verpackungen – the company name was created from both words decades ago and still exists today. The family business from Montabaur in the Westerwald can look back on an eventful history.
The story begins in 1922 with the founding of the company by Willi Hasdenteufel, the grandfather of the current owner Joachim Hasdenteufel. The machinery initially consists of a circular saw in the cowshed. Among other things, packaging boxes for clay pipes and bottles are made from ceramic. Over the years, the decision-makers at hapack have demonstrated foresight and skill and have aligned the company to the constantly changing market requirements. Business operations are developing solidly and the company is growing.
1922: Gründung des Unternehmens durch Willi Hasdenteufel - den Großvater des heutigen Eigentümers.
1950: Erweiterung des Betriebsgeländes in der Südstraße - heute stehen dort Reihenhäuser.
1958: Eintragung der Firma als OHG in das Handelsregister durch Willy und Walter Hasdenteufel.
1962: hapack feiert sein 40-jähriges Jubiläum. Es beginnt das Zeitalter der industriellen Palettenfertigung.
1971: Aussiedlung des Unternehmens an den südlichen Ortsrand von Montabaur-Elgendorf.
1984: Das Unternehmen wird durch einen Großbrand zerstört und muss vollständig neu aufgebaut werden.
1988: Übernahme des elterlichen Betriebes durch Joachim Hasdenteufel. Seine Ehefrau Hilde Eichmann-Hasdenteufel tritt als Prokuristin in das Unternehmen ein.
1998: Inbetriebnahme einer computergesteuerten Trockenkammer und des Heizkraftwerkes.
2008: Ergänzung der Nagelstraße um eine Bohranlage. Verpackung des ersten HUF-Hauses für den Versand nach Qingdao, Volksrepublik China.
2022: hapack feiert im September das 100-jährige Betriebsjubiläum.
In 1984, the owners suffered a serious setback when a major fire destroyed almost the entire facility. Only the basement of the administration building was spared from the flames. The cause of the fire was probably a short circuit in the main electrical distribution. The company is being rebuilt completely and modernized. In 1988, qualified economist Joachim Hasdenteufel became the third generation to take over his parents' business. Wife Hilde Eichmann-Hasdenteufel joins the company as an authorized representative - her first project is the preparations for the introduction of IT at hapack.
Today hapack Packmittel GmbH & Co. KG is a primarily regionally operating company with around 40 employees and, in addition to the development and production of wooden pallets, wooden packaging and transport packaging, offers you extensive logistics services as well as a wide range of related services. With a contemporary setup, a dedicated team and modern machinery, high-quality products are manufactured that offer you a high level of safety and reliability. The quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015, which has been certified since 2001, and the IT-supported documentation ensure controlled processes and complete documentation of all orders and guarantee repeatability. The drawings and technical documents from the CAD system ensure that production is carried out safely and comprehensibly at all times.
Quality from hapack: comprehensive and safe – since 1922.
In addition to the development and production of wooden packaging and transport packaging, we offer our customers extensive logistics services as well as a wide range of related services - and have been doing so since 1922.
hapack Packmittel GmbH & Co. KG
Wagnerstraße 9
D-56410 Montabaur
49 (0)2602 93 12-0
E-Mail: info@hapack.de
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In addition to the development and production of wooden packaging and transport packaging, we offer our customers extensive logistics services as well as a wide range of related services - and have been doing so since 1922.